
1. Please do not “punch” or “shake” the tifo while it is being displayed. It makes it difficult to be seen by the players and the rest of the stadium.
2. Keep the tifo up until you’re told to start passing it back down.
3. Keep the tifo above your head — the new Bailey is filled with metal snags and edges on the railings, and we don’t want it catching somewhere and tearing.

Tifos are a collaborative effort from the idea phase to when they are displayed at the game. It’s very easy to get involved, and we love all the help we can get! Here’s how you can help.

Have an idea?
Contact someone in your SG to submit ideas

Want to help paint, trace or sew?
Watch out on our social media for the dates and times.

Is any experience or artistic ability required?
Nope, think of it as a giant paint by numbers. Plenty of places for new people to paint and get the hang of it!

Can my kids come?
Sure! We just ask you guide them and help make sure they are painting the right colors, etc. We have kids come all the time and they love it!

Can I take pictures at the painting sessions?
No pictures or social media posts please. The tifo is meant to be a surprise on matchday and we don’t want to ruin the hard work everyone puts in.

I’d like to donate supplies or a place to paint, who should I contact?
Please click the link at the bottom of this page and send an email, we’d love to chat with you!